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    Reset The Analytics

    I got an issue with my self-hosted Plausible analytics. I'm running Plausible analytics with Docker on a small VM. Unfortunately, the storage needed to be upgraded and this resulted in the Docker instance not running. Unfortunately, when upgrading st...
  • I'm building a macOS app in a week with Tauri and Supabase.

    The app was built only in 5 days within the Supabase Launch Week 5 Hackathon. The story begins with my small idea to create an authenticator application that can be synced to any device and any platform (macOS, iOS, Linux, Windows, and Android). An a...
  • Deploying Authorizer to

    When we create applications, a lot of time will be spent just creating authentication features. If you add more login feature such as OAuth, SAML, etc it will add more effort and cost. Auth0, Okta, OneLogin, AWS Cognito, or other similar services are...